Where to look for vacancies with data analysis
Greetings! This article will be useful for beginners in data analysis and work in the format of a collection of resources for job search.
Job sites
HeadHunter – https://hh.ru/
Habr Career – https://career.habr.com/
Superjob – https://www.superjob.ru
Work ru – https://www.rabota.ru/
GeekJob – https://geekjob.ru/
Profi ru – https://profi.ru/
Getmatch – https://getmatch.ru/
The sites are convenient for searching for vacancies according to the filters you need, the functionality of creating a resume and the process of reviews on vacancies in one place. It is also worth remembering that large corporations have their own job sites. Therefore, if you are considering a specific company, you can check the company’s website for posted vacancies.
Telegram channels and groups
Vacancies are published in the channels in a standardized message format, which makes it easier to read and search for vacancies by keywords, the publication takes place through admins, or by auto-posting. There is also no extraneous correspondence compared to groups. I will share a part of the channels and groups to which I am subscribed, and I suggest that you write other channels and groups in the comments to complement the article 🙂 For convenience, I collected all the listed channels and groups in a folder
Data jobs – https://t.me/datajob
Data Science Jobs – https://t.me/datasciencejobs
Data Vacancies – https://t.me/data_vacancy
Work in IT without experience – https://t.me/data_analysis_junior
Data Analysis Jobs – https://t.me/data_analysis_jobs
Machine Learning Jobs – https://t.me/Machinelearning_Jobs
Jobs for analysts – https://t.me/analyst_job
Social networks for job search
LinkedIn – http://linkedin.com/ (more suitable for looking for a job abroad)
Network – https://hi.setka.ru/ (social network from HeadHunter, I didn’t use it myself, but suddenly someone will find it useful)
This is the main and, I think, sufficient amount of resources for finding a job in the specializations of analysis and working with data, and the sites are generally universal for finding vacancies for any profession. I invite you to share your job search resources in the comments
Good luck with your dream job search!
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