Developers of, what’s wrong with you? / Hebrew

Developers of, what’s wrong with you? / Hebrew

Congratulations, people of Khabarovsk!

I was prompted to write the article by one moment on the Zen site. More precisely, the lack of a certain functionality, which will be discussed below. How could this happen?

An important note. The purpose of the article is to draw the public’s attention to this problem, so that the rating of the article and its heated discussion will somehow reach Zen’s managers and they will open a ticket and hire him. Because the lack of this functionality is simply an unforgivable flaw. Beyond common sense.

The article is being written a month after what happened. In a month I cooled down. And I type this article under Vivaldi differently, I will burn it in the article. And the goal is to draw attention to the problem of Zen developers and managers.

Let’s go!

A brief history of Zen in miniatures. Zen has been around since 2015, and it’s very important in the story. The story is over, thank you, let’s part ways. Of course not.

I’m a C# developer and I’ve been writing back for almost my entire career, sometimes when you’re not lucky when hiring a back job, it turns out you can get into full-stack development, which you’ll be told about a week after employment. And for several years to learn the hell of js and the front in general:) But I’m not talking about that. Although I have some expertise.

So, I am writing various strange things in C++ from the last lessons on the development of the Arcanum engine in the amount of as many as three lessons. Actually, I teach on Habr, I communicate in the comments. And I decided about a month ago to publish ready-made articles on Zen. An informative site full of articles about everything, including programming. Of course, everything did not go as I expected.

The algorithm is simple:

  1. Let’s react

  2. We create a channel

  3. We teach articles

  4. We actually respond to comments, if there are any.

Father created the channel Aiti. Grandfather Zhenya’s channel was already busy ๐Ÿ™‚

And what can go wrong, a foolproof plan. So the problem occurred during the design of the article.

Doing I means ctrl-c, ctrl-v, pretty much the same as what I do at work ๐Ÿ™‚

The image and text are copied. It is formatted, in principle, normally. More, less, bold, italics. Well, it seems to come off. Links are also transferred correctly, I am not happy, everything is very convenient and simple. Well done I thought…

As a result, I come to code porting. My guess is, now I copy the code, click the view button to paste code or format as code. There is such an opportunity on Habre, so I never had the thought that it couldn’t be on Zen. I copied the text, selected it and started tapping on the editing interface.

Touched all the icons, there is no code formatting. At first I thought I was just dumb. That’s why I checked again, started looking for buttons that open the code editing interface. Flashbacks from fullstack development came back to me and I pressed F12. I started looking for hidden elements. Even at that moment, I did not assume that such a function did not exist.

But I didn’t give up. Not finding the cherished button. I thought that I am not stupid, but very stupid. Therefore, I went to Google and scored: how to format the code on Zen. Google gave the answer, I go in and read. Zen doesn’t know how to format code, but there is a solution via gist. We create a public link and Zen picks up the formatting. Well, I think, okay. At least so.

Copy the code again, create a link.

I’m throwing a link to the Zen editor. And… Miss

I’m starting to get imposter syndrome. I’m starting to wonder what I’ve been doing all these years in IT. Maybe he just kicked it. And it was not a noun that pushed it, but a verb.

OK, I think. I did that something was wrong. I google again: gist and code design in Zen. I come across another answer. In short, it doesn’t work now. It worked since 2015 when Zen belonged to Yandex, after the transfer to VK it stopped working. There was no such nonsense with Yandex ๐Ÿ™‚ Although it is not clear why Yandex did not develop this feature for so long.

I realize that at this point I’m starting to burn. I hold back my anger. Of course, there is no backlight, but at least the formatting is preserved. So the code is inconvenient to read, we are used to a more colorful version. Well, I think, okay. In principle, it is not so bad. The code is readable.

I click publish:

And here, what was just smoldering like coal, turns into a volcanic eruption, with avalanches of goodness on all sides of the Zen platform ๐Ÿ™‚

How many times could it happen that this WYSIWYG editor of yours, who in the tank this acronym stands for what you see is what you get, is simply distorting the copied formatting of the text?

So in windows 3.1 more than 30 years ago, there was less pain in the word editors of the first versions. As the text was typed with all the dashes and indents, so it looked after printing on the paper. What was supposed to happen after 30 years, so that such a banal thing as highlighting the code was not implemented at such a site? What am I asking you, managers, developers, those leaders and other comrades.

Do we have the end of the world in 2012? Well, it hasn’t arrived and you don’t have any unreasonable reason why you don’t have such functionality on your resource. There are thousands of programming channels on your resource, with poor code formatting.

The level of poverty is maximum!

Would you like me to show you a trick? Look more carefully, now it will be difficult. There is a site old-games. I am also registered on it. The site of enthusiasts for old iron, games and their modifications, localization. Well, we like old games.

So, at this point, be more careful, it will be right now.

This is a link to a forum where there is code formatting

The site is not about programming at all, but even has simple code formatting. You might say it can’t be, it’s a coincidence. Okay kids, now you’ll have confirmation.

Very minimalist site

There is also code formatting.

But on the same habre there is code formatting. It’s not difficult. It simply takes any open source editing library and integrates it into the editor. This is how sites have been written for 30 years, you can’t implement it on js or integrate it and not torment users. I am not talking about the rest of the formatting, color and font of the text.

Explain to me what happened to all of you, including not only developers, but also project managers, team leaders, architects and other people involved in this movethon? You are all involved in the development of Zen every day. You conduct daily meetings, close sprints, take tickets, poke in the gira, go to the retro, what happened to you? Why didn’t Yandex dust off such a feature first, and then you just put a bolt and saw off the possibility of integration with gist. Is that how you imported it?

How many developers can there be in Zen. Hundreds? Thousands? Two Vasyans with a backlog for a couple of years? At least that would explain everything. So why not create a task for a couple of frontends with a request for a code formatting feature, or at least make it so that your WYSIWYG editor really was a WYSIWYG editor.

October 2024, in a couple of months 2025. How many years have bloggers and programmers suffered with formatting, inserting pictures or simply leaving such a broken formatting code.

Do you know how bloggers get away with it? They just post pictures, instead of several hundred bytes of text, they make pictures of several tens of kilobytes, producing entropy.

My goal is not to accuse and shame, giving everyone rays of goodness. And for Zen managers to read this article and take action, the problem is not only mine, but also thousands of people who not only create and design articles, but also read them. And they want to highlight the normal highlighted and formatted code. And this is not your waste.

Thanks, I’m done.

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