Analyze it: astrologers have announced a week of stories about useful work

Analyze it: astrologers have announced a week of stories about useful work

Instead of an epigraph: from the “Everything is going according to plan” mode, the state media is moving to the “Limitation of individual deficiencies by responsible persons” mode. The key point is that the “elimination of deficiencies” should be entirely the merit of the “responsible persons”. system “responsible persons”. not mine

Summary: official government and management rhetoric uses the terms “blackmail” instead of “bilateral negotiations on fair and market wages” and “traitors, defectors, we don’t need those” instead of “management is not interested in keeping”. A review of the press for the year shows that all conversations and articles “in the press” do not contain significant numbers and analysis, but exclusively emotions in the style of “come back, we will give you armor.”

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